This 8-bit Micro-controller uses a fully static CMOS technology to achieve high speed, small size, low power and high noise immunity. On chip memory includes 1 K words of Flash ROM, a...
2011-02-10 | 分類:集成電路 | 歸屬:麥肯集成電路設計(深圳)有限公司 | 大小:152K
MX-3S 系列 LED產品介紹
XLamp? MX-3S LEDs provide Cree''s proven lighting-class performance and reliability of Cree XLamp LEDs in a high voltage, PLCC configuration. All members of the MX-family of LEDs have ...
2011-02-09 | 分類:LED驅動器 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:110K
Freescale’s touch sensor controllers with increased sensitivity, specialized feature set
2011-02-09 | 分類:集成電路 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:134K
Pressure transmitters with casing (voltage output) from EPCOS
2011-02-09 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:88K
C&K industrial pushbutton switches with life cycles up to 1 million actuations
2011-02-09 | 分類:集成電路 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:76K
APEM and Digi-Key introduce an engineer''s sample kit for the Q Series LED Indicators.
2011-02-09 | 分類:LED驅動器 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:82K
Varistors from AVX designed for underhood applications
2011-02-09 | 分類:集成電路 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:81K
National Semiconductor''s easy-to-use SIMPLE SWITCHER? power modules feature a new, innovative package, integrated inductor, deliver best-in-class EMI and thermal performance, and prov...
2011-02-09 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:48K
3M’s reliable and cost-effective connectivity for industrial control systems
2011-02-09 | 分類:電纜組件 | 歸屬:Digi-key | 大小:108K
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- 借助集成高壓電阻隔離式放大器和調制器提高精度和性能
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- Melexis Actuators Business Unit
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