SynQor Products and MIL-STD-461 Compliance產品介紹
To better serve our customer’s needs when designing with our power converters for compliance with MIL-STD-461, SynQor has performed testing with the following Hi-Rel, MCOTS, and InQor ...
2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 大小:353K
InQor_Railway 應用指南
SynQor has developed the InQor product line for the industrial and transportation industries. These ruggedized converters are specifically designed for the harsh environments associate...
2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 大小:132K
Current Sharing and other Full-Feature Applications
This application note provides detail on features available on SynQor’s full-feature half-brick dc/dc converters. The central feature discussed in detail is the active current sharing. O...
2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 大小:258K
appnt_EMI_Characteristics 應用指南
This application note will give an overview of electromagnetic interference(EMI), the appropriate standards and regulations, how these standards and regulations relate to dc/dc power modu...
2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 大小:565K
A Two-Stage Approach to Highly Efficient, Super-Wide Input Voltage Range DC-DC Converters產品介紹
One of the parameters of an isolated DC-DC converter is the range of the input voltage over which the converter can operate. For the industry-standard “bricks” available for the nominal 4...
2011-02-18 | 分類:高效電源 | 歸屬:SynQor | 大小:529K
Power Solutions Brochure
FCI offers a broad range of power connector solutions for power supply and host-to-card interfaces as well as cable assemblies for power distribution. FCI understands the evolving mark...
2011-02-17 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:FCI | 大小:1777K
Lamp Connectors
PG18.5 sealed & unsealed versions ①Easy unmating thanks to robust rear latch ②Go-no-Go housing locking principle ③Front Terminal Position Assurance(TPA)
2011-02-17 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:FCI | 大小:63K
High Power Connector
The High Power Card Edge (HPCE?) connector is a next generation power card edge connector for demanding applications requiring high linear current density and low power loss.HPCE offers a...
2011-02-17 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:FCI | 大小:117K
FCI ELECTRONICS is a key supplier to companies that manufacture computing,networking, telecommunications, and personal communications equipment ranging from servers and storage devices to...
2011-02-17 | 分類:連接器 | 歸屬:FCI | 大小:2001K
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